College Attendance Management

Attendance Management Module

Edusys College Attendance Module is the best solution to upgrade from paperwork system to digital monitoring system. With growth in numbers; tracking and monitoring one’s presence/absence could be tough and laborious. Such fundamental difficulties can be resolved smartly by utilizing Biometric Attendance Management programs to record students as well as faculty’s attendance. Paper and pen can be replaced with a tiny biometric box to daily document time-ins and time-outs, late hours, early exits, etc of students, from classes and staff, from college; using this application. Upon employing this application an order and systemization can be maintained among students and faculty.

Moreover, Edusys College ERP braces biometric, so the college administration, without much of a stretch, can incorporate it to free Cloud Based Attendance framework and monitor attendance history of Students, Professors, and working staff.

Benefits of using College Student & Staff Attendance Module:

  1. Biometric Integration (Figure Print) to track accurate attendance
  2. Ease to Access to attendance records
  3. Absence/Leave management
  4. Mobile Application facility
  5. Class & Section wise attendance
  6. Daily attendance
  7. Subject Wise Attendance
  8. Morning, Afternoon Absent and Early Leave tracking
  9. Analytics with graphs and reports
  10. Send update via e-mail, SMS, and notification

Why complicate things when you can simplify? Use Edusys College Attendance Module now to operate singularly. The application is designed for both Android and iOS users, to provide portable experience.

College Attendance Management

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