College Fee Management

Fee Management Module

This will help you to manage and collect the fee from easy way simply it can regularize fee management in a proper way instead of hectic manual work.

EduSys’s comprehensive Fee module can help private/government colleges where fees are collected term-wise. It will automatically calculate the term-wise fee payments along with taxes & due dates and can notify fee payment reminders to the parents and the fee payment notifications to the management.

Schedule fees and generate automated fee reminders for pending payments with reduced maintenance.

  1. Easy fee collection process
  2. Create fees slab effectively every year
  3. Comprehensive Fee classification system
  4. Display of fees due on part payment of fees
  5. Online payment facility from the parent portal
  6. Facility to collect fine and provide waiver in fees
  7. Easy analysis of fee defaulters and fee structure available
  8. Fees collection report with class wise or student wise data
  9. Generate customized reports of fees collection and fees dues with in-depth filtering facility
College Fee Management

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