College Attendance Management

Attendance Management Module

The Edusys College Student & Staff attendance module helps to track daily in/out times, average worked hours, late hours, early exits, etc., and reconcile them easily to report concern person via e-mail, SMS, and notification.

Furthermore, Edusys College ERP support Bio-metric, so educational organization can easily integrate it to our free Cloud Based Attendance system and keep track of all the historical attendance data for Student, Professor, and working staffs.

Attendance Management System Features :

  1. Ease to Access
  2. Bio-metric Integration (Figure Print)
  3. Absence/Leave management
  4. Mobile Application
  5. Class & Section wise attendance
  6. Day wise attendance
  7. Subject Wise Attendance
  8. Morning, Afternoon Absent and Early Leave tracking
  9. Analytics with graphs and reports
  10. Send update via e-mail, SMS, and notification
College Attendance Management

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