Micro Lesson Plan vs Macro Lesson Plan - Teaching Tips 2021

Micro Lesson Plan vs Macro Lesson Plan - Teaching Tips 2021

Understanding the difference between Micro Lesson Plan and Macro Lesson Plan is crucial for teachers. Firstly, let’s get to know what a Lesson Plan is? It is a strategic daily teaching plan formulated by teachers usually for a short period of day or class that empowers the educators to conduct dedicated daily classroom activities and teach devised topics without any confusion. However, based on its objectives and time span, it is broadly classified into two types: Micro and Macro.

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Difference between Micro Lesson Plan and Macro Lesson Plan

Macro Lesson Plan

Micro Lesson Plan


A Macro Lesson Plan is a teaching strategy and curriculum formulated by teacher for a specific subject to teach for a long period such as a semester, year, month, etc. It incorporates all the various topics that to be taught in a subject.


A Micro Lesson Plan is a daily teaching strategy formulated by teachers for a specific day for a specific lesson/ subject. It incorporates a specific topic that needs to be taught for a particular period.

Origin of the Word:

The Word "Macro" originates from Greek word "makros" meaning long and large.

Origin of the Word:

The Word "Micro" originates from Greek word "mikros" meaning small and short.


  • To design an efficient curriculum plan for a subject to teach a class for entire academic year
  • To formulate objectives and record the progress of daily classroom activities


  • To design an effective lesson/ subject teaching plan for students for a specific duration of class/ period
  • To schedule and plan effective daily classroom activities for students


  • Identify necessary required resources and materials in classrooms
  • To anticipate the problems of students and come up with effective solutions
  • Map out teaching strategies and methods for all the subjects and topics
  • Emphasize on student's personalised and social-emotional learning
  • Improve teaching and learning methods
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategy in terms of learning outcomes


  • Improve student-teacher collaboration and communication
  • Enhance teaching methods by encouraging teacher to assimilate new teaching skills
  • Motivate teachers to implement smart classroom strategies while teaching
  • Improve teachers' teaching confidence
  • Provide teachers an in-depth closure to the level of understanding  of every individual student
  11 Jan 2021
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